Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Jennifer's Final DAC

a) What changes did you make to the original images you used?

The changes that i made to one original image was to use the polygonal lasso to select part of the dresser and copy and paste it so that i could lengthen the dresser. than i used the smudge tool to blend the lines in. after that i used the move tool to put a bottle of Smirnoff vodka in and used the masking tool to get rid of the unwanted pixels.
b) What pleases you most about the technical quality of your work? Why?
what pleases me most about the technical quality of my work is that i can go beyond the boundaries of simplicity. i can create masterpieces with one tool. EG. i used the brush tool to cover my background with dark circles. i feel that it gives a sense of desperation and disarray. that my message is emphasized and really shown.

c) What displeases you most about the technical quality of your work? Why?
What displeases me most about the technical quality of my work is that it's messy, and kind of rookie-like. it's like i was doing great at first and then lost it.
d) What new techniques or skills did you learn through the completion of this activity?
new techniques or skills that i learned through the completion of this activity making images longer and stretching them out.
e) What message did you hope to convey in your collage, if any?
My message that i NEED to convey is that we need to make the world ours again. that chivalry won't die if we don't let it. and that we all beat as one heart so when one of us fails to beat the rest of us stop as well.
f) What emotional response do you hope to elicit from your audience?
i hope to have the respect and awareness.
g) What changes would you make to improve on this image? the changes that I'd make would be to fix the background style, smudge the pregnant lady's photo a bit more and consider the placement more for my images.

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